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Emo (with a) Musical Objective

Donovan Hooper (aka E.M.O.) is a producer from Birmingham, England, who has always had a passion for music, which has continued to grow over the years. He is currently studying a Level 3 course in Music Production and is continuing to expand his knowledge to achieve his goals to become a singer, songwriter and producer. Donovan's musical passion began in his childhood. Donovan has always loved singing and has done so for 13 years and counting. He always enjoyed music in school and always had a plan for what his future would be, what goals he wanted to achieve and what his dream would be. Donovan has always wanted to work in the music industry and to one day, pursue a career in music. Donovan has so far gained knowledge on working in a recording studio, how to create music using a sequencer and how to do a P.A. Setup for a live performance. Throughout his musical journey, Donovan has discovered that music is more than a form of escapism and a way of coping, more than just a passion. Music is Donovan's future and he will continue to thrive, work hard and show determination and dedication to expand his knowledge in order to pursue a professional career in music and to make all his dreams become a reality.

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